
You can access UMO IQ arrival predictions information from any phone!


Download the transit app with the free UNH Mobile suite to your iOS or Android platform phone. 进站预测, 现场跟踪, 服务公告, and a link to full timetable information of all Wildcat 交通 and 校园连接器 buses.

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You can also access UMO IQ information by going to Umo IQ网站.  


You can access Umo prediction via a cell phone or a PDA by sending a text message. The arrival predictions for you bus will then be texted back to you. You can even have the system alert you when your bus is a specified number. Please note: some cell phone service plans charge you for each text message.


The 5-digit texting address is 41411. Text the message UNHbus Stop# (where "Stop#" is the bus stop number of your inquiry). 

例如, bus stop #104 is Thompson Hall, so texting UNHbus 104 to 41411 you will receive a text with prediction information for the T-Hall bus stop. 请注意,有些站点, 像T-Hall, are serviced by multiple routes, so you will receive all predictions for all routes servicing this stop. You may need to scroll through multiple displays to find your route/prediction of choice.


Bus stop numbers are displayed on signs and/or shelters of all bus stops and in the route prediction icons in the online interface. (Use link at top for finding your preferred "Stop Number.")

你也可以在 停止编号页面 在这个网站上.

When you don't know your stop number:

  • 菜单:  You can leave out the stop#, and simply text UNHbus. You will receive a series of texted menu replies asking for route number, 停止的位置, 和方向. Reply with your preferences until your stop# is determined, and you will then get a text with the predictions.
  • 地址: You can even text in a street address, intersection or (sometimes) a local landmark, and sometimes Umo can figure out where you are, although it may provide several "guesses" for you to sort through until you've found a stop near you.
  • 提示:  Once you've found a stop using one of these methods, you can save that stop and give it a name by replying with "s stopName" where "stopName" is a name of your choosing, e.g. “工作." Thereafter you can easily access predictions by texting UNHBus work from your 短信 service 

Setting up an alert for when bus is specified number of minutes away:

An incredibly useful feature of the Umo 短信 system is that it can automatically send you an alert when your bus is a specified number of minutes away. This way you don't have to continually monitor the Umo system to determine when it is time to catch your bus.

  • To use this feature first select a stop using one of the methods described above.
  • Once you have selected a stop and predictions are displayed you can simply reply to the prediction message with the number of minutes (0-30) of notice you want before your bus is going to arrive.
  • 例如, for a prediction for the Dover 运输 Center bus stop, you can first select the stop by sending to 41411 the message "UNHbus 214" (214 is the bus stop number at the DTC). Then reply with "5" to be alerted when your bus is 5 minutes away.

What is the "Subscribed to" message?

When you send your first message to the Umo system you will receive a reply indicating that you have subscribed to the system. This only means that you have subscribed to the possibility of the using the alert feature described above. The Umo system will never send you other messages besides the arrival prediction information you have specifically requested.


You can specify single letter commands.

  • "h"或"?"寻求帮助
  • "r" for refresh (updates the predictions)
  • "p" for looking at the previous prediction when there are multiple stops, directions, or routes
  • "n" for looking at the next prediction when there are multiple stops, directions, or routes
  • "s stopName" for saving a stop for easy retrieval
  • "1" to "30" for sending an alert when bus is the specified number of minutes away

Phones with no Internet or 短信 service

Don't worry if your phone isn't all that "smart." It's easy to get prediction information using a traditional phone number. Call 862-4800 and have your stop number ready (use link at top to find your preferred stop number.) Voice prompts will lead you through.


For additional assistance, please visit http://retro.umoiq.com/help/